The Top Germiest Places in Your Office

When it comes to dirt and germs, did you know your office can be one of the most prolific breeding grounds. It might be shocking to learn the extent to which germs present in the spaces you spend a significant part of your day. 

Each time we touch something we leave behind germs and bacteria, especially if we don’t wash our hands regularly, therefore we’re much more likely to pass on bugs and viruses to our co-workers. 

Regular cleaning is vital to help reduce nasty germs and it’s important to call in the professionals who can help you with a more thorough deep clean to keep on top of the bacteria levels. This blog will share some of our top tips to keeping your office clean. 

Keyboard & Mouse

Your keyboard and mouse are the two things we have contact with the most everyday, but statistics show that they can contain more germs and viruses than a toilet seat if not regularly and efficiently cleaned. Your keyboard and mouse are a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, dead skin cells, and food particles. Particularly scary if you’re employees are prone to eating at their desks. Which might be one of the main causes of sickness at work.

Office Bathrooms

Most of us will will be aware of how crucial properly washing our hands was in the spread of the Coronavirus. Yet it seems to be a distant memory for some in that they neglect to wash their hands properly when going to the toilet at work. Who hasn’t seen someone leave the toilet without washing their hands? This causes a lot of dirt, bacteria, and even faecal matter to build up in your office bathroom and will also spread outside of the bathroom. Not pleasant at all. 

Elevator Buttons

If you have to use the lift at work, and you know that a number of people don’t wash their hands at work, then you might begin to understand how the elevator button can be a significant transmitter of germs. Especially if the elevator is used regularly throughout the day to go up and down the floors, and also out of the office at lunch time when you’re popping out to buy a sandwich. 

You might want to make sure that button is sanitised and you’ve washed your hands before tucking into your lunch!

Office Equipment

Cleaning the equipment in your office like the printer, fax machine, office telephone etc may not be the top of the list of priorities and it might not seem like these are big carriers of germs. Think again. The build-up of germs on these pieces of equipment is significant.

Coffee Machine

One area that might get neglected and can be a breeding ground of bacteria is the office coffee machine. Its outside surface may rarely be cleaned as if it doesn’t show obvious signs of dirt it can get left off the cleaning to-do list. One of the worst areas where germs collect, is the coffee pot handle or the top of the machine if it’s one that takes coffee pods.

Break-room Sink

In the break-room, if dishes are left in the sink and not loaded into the dishwasher, food particles can collect. Then if not regularly cleaned, you can run the risk of illness because of the build up of nasty and harmful bacteria like E.Coli.


A question. Are desks cleaned before and after employees eat their lunch? Probably it’s not high up on your employees radar, but regular cleaning of desk surfaces are one of the key combatants against germs and bacteria. It may or may not come as a surprise but our office desktops are actually more than 400 times dirtier than a toilet seat. 

Our Professional Cleaners Can Help

Given the risk of spreading germs in the office space, it’s important to consider using a professional cleaning company. They will know all of the Health and Safety regulations and what cleaning products will help to keep your office space clean and hygienic. 

A good cleaning company will develop a tailored cleaning plan for your office that they will run through and agree with you, to ensure you can be rest assured that everything is covered. 

They will also have built up extensive knowledge and expertise, and will be well versed in all of the needs of an efficient business. Investment in high-quality products and equipment are key, and by using a professional company you will know that they will use the best and most effective tools for the job at hand. 

Another benefit to your business is that the company you use will have trained their team and they will be up to date with the latest cleaning methods and technology, and will follow industry standards and regulations.

To keep germs and bacteria at bay, and help protect your team from nasty bugs, it’s important to consider investing in a professional cleaning company for your business. We have significant expertise and experience and can help you to identify what your needs are. Please do contact us if you need any help and advice.