Eco-Friendly Solutions for a Cleaner Home

More and more people are seeking a cleaner, greener lifestyle especially in their home environment. There is greater demand for cleaning products that don’t harm our planet and for businesses to provide services that deliver on a green agenda.
Cleanology puts sustainable cleaning practices at the heart of everything we do including developing new services and award winning products that demonstrate this commitment.
The Rise of Sustainable Cleaning
Traditional cleaning methods can have a negative effect on the environment. Particularly their impact on water pollution because of the chemicals these products contain. When cleaning products get washed down the sink or flushed in the toilet they eventually find their way into our waterways.
Many of these products contain substances that are not biodegradable, which means they do not break down and can harm fish and other marine life. Certain chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine and phosphates are particularly harmful.
If you can, make a point of checking if the products you use include warnings about being harmful to aquatic life.
Traditional cleaning products don’t just harm the waterways. Some contain volatile organic compounds which contribute to air pollution.
Their packaging too can be harmful, with many products coming in single-use plastic bottles which add to the mounting plastic pollution problem that’s affecting our environment.
However there is hope. Increasing consumer demand is leading to more and more greener alternatives coming onto the market which is good news for our homes and our health.
Cleanology’s Commitment to Sustainability
Cleanology is dedicated to providing eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Using our own unique cleaning products, we have reduced our chemical usage by 99.4% and save over 26,000 plastic bottles a year. We have a zero-to-landfill policy, sending all non-recyclable waste to generate electricity.
Our ever-expanding vehicle fleet operates on electric and hybrid energy, although we prefer to use public transport wherever possible.
We have banned the use of aerosols and use HEPA filters in machinery to reduce harmful particle emissions. We have also reduced our clients’ consumption of energy and water by using modern and more efficient technology.
Essential Sustainable Cleaning Products
Cleanology not only uses eco-friendly cleaning products, we’ve developed our own. Exclusive in Europe is Cleanology’s multi award-winning range of chemical-free cleaning sachets.
Each includes a pre-dosed amount of biotechnological cleaning fluid containing friendly bacteria which literally eats dirt and bad bacteria. The fluid inside the sachets is chemical-free and continues to work for days after application.
DIY Green Cleaning Recipes
In the home, with the right ingredients homemade cleaning solutions are simple and cost effective to make and use. Most can remove stains, grease, spills and nasty smells present in your home.
The components needed usually include white vinegar, baking powder and normal dishwashing soap. These can be combined with rosemary sprigs and lemon and essential oils to give a lovely natural fragrance.
Here are a couple of simple recipes:
All-Purpose Cleaner
- One part water
- One part white vinegar
- Lemon peel
- A sprig of rosemary
Mix the ingredients in a jug and then pour into a spray bottle. You might want to leave it for five days to allow the scent of lemon and rosemary to develop before using.
Carpet Stain Cleaner
What you’ll need:
- ¼ teaspoon liquid dish soap (available online)
- One cup water.
Pour one cup water and ¼ teaspoon of liquid dish soap into a jug and pour into a spray bottle. Spray any stains that are on your carpet and remove by blotting with a microfiber cloth.
Tips for a Greener Cleaning Routine
It’s possible to reduce your household waste and energy consumption during cleaning by adopting sustainable habits in your daily cleaning routines.
Here are some practical tips:
Reducing waste by recycling empty product bottles and introducing refillable dispensers for cleaning products and hand soap is an easy way to introduce more sustainable cleaning practices into your home.
Using green cleaning products will help to lower your impact on the planet and help to prevent harmful chemicals reaching our waterways. Look at the ingredients of the products you buy and check to see if they are certified by organisations such as the Soil Association.
Finally consider including microfibre cleaning cloths in your cleaning kit as they are very effective at trapping dirt and bacteria, and need less water than traditional cleaning methods.
Benefits of Sustainable Cleaning for Health and Environment
There are many advantages to using eco-friendly products as they don’t contain harmful chemicals that can impact our health. They are made from natural ingredients that are safer for us and keep our homes and work places free from harmful toxins. All in all a better alternative to traditional cleaning products and methods.
Finally we would like to help you to introduce more sustainable cleaning practices.
If you are looking for a commercial cleaning service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.