Apply For A Job Online LONDON: 020 7582 8111 | MANCHESTER: 0161 348 7648 | LEEDS: 0113 848 0911 GET A FREE QUOTE! CALL US LONDON: 020 7582 8111MANCHESTER: 0161 348 7648LEEDS: 0113 848 0911 You can apply for a job at Cleanology by completing the form below. Apply For A Job Subscribe Section 1: Personal InformationFirst nameSurnameHome telephone numberMobile telephone numberSection 2: Employment InformationHow long have you been employed as a cleaner?How long have you been employed as a security guard?Can you provide an employee's reference? Yes NoDo you have a current valid DBS certificate? Yes NoSecurity staff only: Are you SIA accredited? Yes NoWhat companies have you worked for?How many hours per week do you want to work?Please click the days you are available to work Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayFrom (time)To (time)Section 3: Additional InformationAdditional informationSection 4: DeclarationPlease only tick the box if you have read, understood and agreed with the statement: I am legally entitled to live and work in the UK I have valid proof of ID (passport or identity card), proof of address and recent bank statement (issued within the last three months) that I can bring to my interview I have basic English language knowledge and can communicate without difficulty I confirm that the information given above is correctSubmit GET A FREE QUOTE!CONTACT US CALL US: 020 7582 8111