The Covid pandemic has highlighted the need for all of us to maintain high cleaning standards. From regularly sanitising high-touch surfaces to deep cleaning spaces much more frequently, everyone is aware of the need to clean properly. But there are other proven reasons for maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, and schools in particular benefit from this.

The importance of cleanliness in school

When we consider the things that make a school great, we tend to think about the quality of teaching, high academic results and modern facilities, and of course these are essential factors. But cleanliness is also very important – it has been discovered that providing a safe, clean and calm learning atmosphere is paramount for the benefit of pupils and teachers.

School cleanliness impacts health

Passing viruses and germs around in a school environment is all too easy. When 30 or so students spend time in one room together while sharing equipment and desks, germs spread quickly. Microbes that live on surfaces are passed about in no time if not thoroughly cleaned off. It doesn’t only affect the children at the school because they take these viruses home with them and into the local community. Many parents suffer additional stress at work when they have children staying at home with sickness. Teachers are also affected – in 2018/19 teacher sicknesses equated to 4.1 days per teacher per year – multiply that by the number of teachers employed in the UK and it adds up to lots of missed education for our youngsters.

Mental health can be improved

Many studies show that a clean and tidy environment helps the mind. We may not even realise it, but a sense of order is essential to our wellbeing, so it stands to reason that neat classrooms are good for developing minds. In fact, according to, 83% of teachers felt they saw a noticeable improvement in students’ behaviour when they were in a de-cluttered and clean classroom. A sense of calm and openness materialised that made a real difference to everyone. Young people also feel a place is more trustworthy and safe if it’s clean. A report found that many young people do not want to use the toilets or drink the water at school because they felt the place was unsanitary. Having those distractions concerning your place of learning is not healthy.

Cleanliness can improve academic achievement

In 2011, a study by Princeton University demonstrated that it’s easier to focus when there are fewer distractions in the room, and the distractions included clutter and dirt. APPA asked a sample of students about their learning environment, and 80% said they found a lack of cleanliness and tidiness distracting. With greater concentration, academic achievement can be improved and this starts with a rigorous cleaning and decluttering regime.

Pride in the school

There’s nothing better than having pride in the school you attend and the cleanliness of the building plays a big part in this. Pride ensures students and teachers enjoy attending every day, and it also makes everyone want to do well and achieve great things. The importance of cleanliness in school should not be overlooked.

Health and safety

General school cleanliness helps maintain health and safety standards. Keeping areas clear of clutter prevents trips and falls, and enables a quick exit in case of a fire. Cleanliness into the corners and back of all rooms reduces the risk of vermin or insect outbreaks, and it also makes it easier to spot faulty wiring and pipes too.

What areas of schools require cleaning?

The importance of cleanliness in school extends to most areas of the building. From the entrance – because creating a good first impression is always essential – to the classrooms themselves. And for all users, the canteen, the corridors and the toilets should always be spotless and well maintained. In fact, all parts of the school need to be neat and clean for the benefit of everyone who spends time there.

Most schools, whether it’s a nursery, primary or secondary school, have lots of rooms to clean and keeping on top of it all is a huge task. Employing a professional cleaning company ensures that this is all taken care of. At Cleanology, we make sure everything is spotless according to the needs of the building. We have years of experience when it comes to cleaning schools and we understand what is required and the best way to tackle any issues involved. Get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more.